So... I am still here, but haven't posted as I was going to switch programs to use Photoshop CS4 and it will not recognize my RAW photos... which are uploaded as NEF files...we've tried everything and nothing will work.'s off to find a different program - I think I'll just end up going back to Lightroom....or Elements even. I don't need anything too fancy.
Anyways, I was looking through all my old pictures and decided in honor of spring, I was going to do a ThrowBack Tuesday, and show some pictures/stories that you may not know.
How about this; Did you know that:
When I got married I used a French Manicure sticker set? And one of the stickers peeled off so I hid my finger (thinking it would make a better picture)...should have just left my finger normal, and no one probably would have noticed.

Or, that we thought it was beautiful to take pictures on the grounds of the Veteran's Hospital...until we were told by the police that it was illegal to take pictures there (we had no clue!...dumb Canadians, lol)! Did you know I had a hilarious bridesmaid with PURPLE HAIR?

Ha ha, I love this photo.

Did you know...
Sometimes, I think my husband is embarrassed to be seen in public with me.

and I`m not really sure why.

Did you know when Tammy took this picture of me almost 4 months pregnant:

I thought I was huge!!!
..And here I thought I was tiny, lol!

Did you know being pregnant was glorious, and this gives me HORRIBLE baby fever.

Did you know that I was terrified of meeting my baby...and terrified we would end up with photos like this one:

I don`t look at this photo very often:

Did you know I look at this photo ALL THE TIME.

I`m so facinated that something so disgusting was her lifeline. I feel like I owe it a huge thank you, or a gift or something...It truly is amazing...AND to be 100% truthful - I had HAUNTING dreams of forgetting to deliver the placenta, so I needed proof that I did.
Did you know that sometime in early afternoon Tammy, Mike and Christa brought me a Booster Juice...and AFTER I delivered the baby I drank it... after midnight. I found it sitting right there, and I was thirsty so I drank it....and I didn`t tell anyone.

Did you know that I thought this little face looked like an Inuit baby and couldn`t figure out why...

...until I saw this picture...

...taken right after Ty named her. I had chosen the boy name, and so Ty chose the girl name....and it suits her perfectly!
Did you know I was CONVINCED I was close to death the night I had the baby, and seeing this....

I can`t believe how swollen I was from all the fluids... look at my hands!

Did you know:
..he was smitten with her right away!

...and that I desperatly miss this tiny thing ( who at the time, felt anything but tiny!)!!!

Can I tell you what a feel-good moment this was to see this 5 days after I had her and know I somewhat still possessed a waist!

Did you know... I`m horrible at keeping things alive and did fairly well with these...oh good I`m now getting É instead of a question mark!!!

Oh, how I miss her...but I love her now.

Did you know.... that is one of my favorite pictures of her... makes me smile!!!!!
I think all of you should do a ThrowBack...enlighten the rest of us. Heck, throw a few curveballs out there and surprise the heck out of us... I!
aw! Great post! I love, love, love looking at my pictures from the girls being born (and pregnancy). It feels like a different world.
This was an awesome post! I loved the placenta picture. I think I'm sick and twisted because I would love to have a picture of mine.
Yah...I'm twisted, but not that much, yuck LOL This was an AWESOME post. You summed things up for me too! Well...except I didn't have to push her out, THANK GOODNESS. Slice me & dice me any day.
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