There's the only picture we have...it's not the best quality, but it's proof! :) We probably had the shortest ultrasound of all times, but it was pretty neat to see it's feet kicking and its toes flexing and such. It was a fairly early ultrasound, 16 weeks, but we got a sneak peek and now we only have another 20 or so weeks and we'll meet the little gaffer.
Still no decisions on names yet... (OH WAIT...what do you all think of Silas _____________ Griffith???) we still have awhile, but who knows maybe when sitting on the beach in a couple weeks we'll be inspired. Or...maybe the spending a few weeks of quality time together will actually allow us to spend some time trying to actually come up with a serious name. SUGGESTIONS ARE BEING TAKEN. If you look at the bottom of THIS post - under the description underneath the MANGO you'll see where it says comments, and you can click on there and leave your suggestions.
Ty's been very busy the last few weeks working on the house - it looks amazing!!! I have some pictures on the home computer, I'll post them today or tomorrow for you guy's to see how far its come. I have NO CLUE how I will leave it when we move.
Ty picked up his new recruit from the airport on Friday. She's really nice so far, and seems she will be a nice addition to the detachment, and Todd's recruit arrives this week sometime - I think maybe tomorrow! Crazy! It'll be a little nuts the next 3 months while the training is going on, but we really need the man-power as we've been short a member the last few months, and it's starting to take it's toll.
I'm fine with Ty's amount of overtime etc... we have Barry Manelow on the way, and a holiday next month - bring on the moooolah! Ha ha. OOOOOOOOOOH, and one of my favorite uncles sent Ty and I a DVD of the wedding, I'm hoping Ty can show me how to post it on here - its hilarious and we loved it! AWESOME! I hope we can share it with all of you.
Work is insane for me at the moment, we are currently developing a program we will be using across the board - internationally in our company, as well as doing our spring inventories, and I have been LOVING/HATING/COUNTING THE DAYS TILL I'M DONE WORK... Ha ha... thank goodness I have Christine now who is training to take over for me - she is truly a life-saver and hilarious like me - so we keep eachother sane :)
Well, until next time.
Barry Manelow is the size of.................

This week your baby starts bulking up and packing on the grossly named "brown fat" he'll need to keep warm when he gets evicted from his comfortable uterine home. Other highlights this week:Vernix, a milky white coating that protects your baby's skin, appears all over your baby's body to keep his skin from getting pickled in the amniotic fluid. Think of it as if your baby has been dipped in yogurt, like those delicious but fake-healthy yogurt-covered raisins and pretzels. Ooh, we feel another craving comin' on. ... Under the vernix, a fuzzy layer of hair called lanugo now covers baby's body. Don't worry, your Mini won't look like Cousin It when he's born. Most of the fuzz will fall off before baby makes his grand entrance.Good news: Your baby's kidneys are fully functioning and producing urine this week. Bad news: That means there will be lots of diapers in your future. But so far you're safe—at the moment the pee just passes into the amniotic fluid.
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