I'm still feeling fantastic for the most part, and so far am really enjoying being pregnant. I can't wait to really start feeling Barry Manelow. I've had a few blips that I think might have been him/her, but I'm not 100% sure...heck knowing me and my FIBER intake, it was probably just gas ha ha.
The ultrasound is scheduled for the end of this month, so if I post again in two weeks, I might even have a picture or two to share with you all:) Wow....hold back your excitement - MOM as your the only one who knows we still update this site every now and again! Ha ha ha...
By the end of this week, Barry will be the size of:

Creepy how I'm addicted to ORANGES, and Barry Manelow is the size of one...does this make me cannibalistic?
Although many women don't start feeling the baby move until the 17th week (or later), your baby has been having his own party in the amniotic sac he calls home. If you feel a little flutter in your belly this week, don't discount it as gas or hunger. It could be your babe banging around. Here's more to look forward to:Baby's head is now resting on his well-formed neck instead of directly on his shoulders like Igor. He's beginning to grow eyebrows and eyelashes this week. (All the better to give you that "Mom, you're crazy" look when he's a teenager.) The hair on the head also begins to grow and, with some creative styling, you'll be able to turn those locks into a Maddox Jolie-Pitt faux-hawk some day. Although baby's eyes are sealed shut, he's now able to sense light. His eyes and ears finally look like real baby features now. As your baby practices sucking and swallowing actions, he may actually hiccup. You'll know he's had one too many shots of amniotic fluid by the steady thump-thump you feel.
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