Wow...Time sure
flies by when your having a good time!!! And let us tell you.. It has been great so far!! The weather has been HOT - such a nice break after the
loooooooongest and
colddddddddddest winter EVER!!! (I do get some weird looks sitting in the hot tub when it 90 degree's out... but it's just so nice to finally be warm!!
Wednesday we were
disappointed to wake up to rain/snow in
Tofield... quite cold and miserable... But the cold was soon a distant memory. The flight was quick from Edmonton to Minneapolis - we had awesome seats - huge plush chairs... very posh. Upon arriving in Minneapolis we discovered we didn't have as long of a walk as we had thought - that airport is HUGE; and we only had 25 minutes from landing till our next flight, so by the time we arrived at our next gate they were boarding 1st class already. And we ran into Mary, my mom and a couple of the friends - the bloody liars had told us they were coming a day later - NICE JOB to those of you who had anticipated the surprise!
We got to the condo about 12:30 to find the complex all locked up - and of COURSE there was NO one on their patio's and all the lights were off - apparently early to bed, early to rise is a true statement here! Anyways after about 15 minutes of trying to break in using a credit card and trying to guess the code for the key-lock( yes we were desperate, and NO the COP had no luck breaking in), we found a 24 hour help line and they gave us the password for the key-lock.
Thursday was spent basking in the sun by the pool - 90 degrees of delicious sun rays...and I basked in the Hot Tub. And dinner at Shell's was EVERY BIT as amazing as it usually is. The margaritas haven't changed.... (is it wrong for Ty and I to try to find an American Husband so we can stay here forever?)... HEY if you tried one of these drinks, you'd want to stay too!!
THEN today (Friday) we spent on the pier fishing. Once again Nicole was the MASTER FISHERMAN - 2 years in a row. Unfortunatly the jerks I'm fishing with wouldn't take a picture of my two monsters... but I do have some to post of some the other people caught. A hammerhead shark some guys caught (note there are SWIMMING PEOPLE beside the pier...), and a Mackeral my mom caught. (I'll have to post the pic's later as im not sure where the computer cable is!).
No idea what's on the agenda for tomorrow - thats kinda the nice thing about life down here - slow pace and no plans....and lots of cold drinks.