Abbs just had her 1st birthday! And she changes alot every day. She can say Mama, Dada, No-No, Weston, Ba-ba, Oh's (Cherrios). She can clap, hides her eyes for peekaboo, slaps her leg to call the dog, crawls like a crazy person, could walk if she would JUST let go of things. She's got very good hand/eye coordination and can work some really small/hard to maneuver things.

I'm 1/2 way through this pregnancy and it is FLYING by! It's so hard to believe in just a few short months we'll have another small little person joining us!

Work has been busy for both Ty and I. We have a less-than-part-time babysitter for Abby, and she LOVES it. I think it's fun for her to be with someone different. Never any tears when we leave, or when we're getting home. It's nice to know she's happy while we're gone.

Well, this is just a quick update from work, so I'll keep it short. But hopefully I can stay on top of this thing now!