Abbs has 4 teeth. Teeth 3 and 4 just graced us with their presence this last week...which has resulted in a much whinier, clingier baby than we are used to. She sure does LOVE them chompers though, and has bitten us a few times to test them out - and YES those suckers ARE sharp.
She is still refusing to crawl like a normal baby, and uses a modified "scootching" method to make her way around - UNLESS she is on our bed, and then shes a moving machine.
She is an eating machine...some of her favorites are Squash (LOVES), green beans (LOVES), hummus (LOVES), plums/pears/bananas/mangoes (LOVES), and she's pretty into Puffed Wheat...but her favorite is still her rice cereal, she'll eat it every.single.meal and wants ALL of it. The only thing she still isn't fond of is peas...but really...who loves steamed strained peas?
She's developing SUCH a little personality and with allll the good comes the bad...and she can throw a tantrum like nobodies business. It's funny... no one ever showed her how, I guess it just comes natural to all kids. She loves to torture poor Weston, but if he licks her she HOLLERS at him and he knows she's mad and usually leaves her alone...classic can give it but doesn't like to take it back syndrome.
We're still loving taking photo's of her... I've been trying to work a bit on my photoediting... it's definitely a learning process, but it's been pretty fun figuring out how to tweak things. Here is a recent (it was my first "true full edit") which was a little heavy, but I still kinda like it.

Stay tuned for a whole post dedicated to pictures... :)