For those of you who have met Weston - you know his love of licking. He thought it was a great idea to lick the baby tonight, and well she wasn't quite in agreement. But she did find the thought of picking on him hilarious!!!
Ha ha....whhhhhhhhat a great video!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
...Better late than never...right?
Yes, I know that it has been almost 3 months since our daughter was born - does everyone even know that Barry turned out to be a 9lb 10oz sweet little girl?
September 20th, 2009 at 11:45pm we were very surprised to meet a little girl (I SWORE we were having a boy), who was not 7.5lbs like the nurse had suspected, but rather almost 10lbs and dark.dark.dark!
I had fallen in love with names for a boy, and Ty had agreed to them had we had a son, so it was only fitting that if we had a girl he chose the name. He wrestled with a few ideas for most of the day, and finally chose Abigail Sophia.
It has been almost 3 months since her arrival - and it`s odd - it feels like she is brand new, yet also feels like she has been here forever. Since her arrival we have been waiting for the sleepless nights, hours of endless crying, and mounds of dirty diapers. Well, the diapers turned out to be exactly what we anticipated, yet, we have yet to see any sleepless nights and no hours of endless crying. She is truly a little sweetheart, and possibly the easiest baby I have ever met (and no, its not just because she is mine that I say that).
She takes after her dad and loves to sleep in - yesterday she slept till noon, and today till almost 1pm! She has found her hands and enjoys to shove them (quite literally) into her mouth - she can almost fit her whole fist in her mouth. She can roll from her stomach to her back, but has not quite figured out how to flip from her back to her stomach yet. She loves to be talked to, and she loves to smile, and has a pretty cute giggle - though you have to work pretty hard for them.
A few weeks ago we took advantage of a couple of our friends hospitality - and we joined them for 8 days at their holiday home in Palm Springs....and apparently Abby could totally be a California Baby - she loved the warm weather and really loved their pool. Swimming every day equaled one tired baby at the end of the day, I never thought that she would spend an hour in the pool at just a couple months old!
Well, its 1:32am, and this is not the most interesting, nor indepth update - but it is better than nothing. So I will try to leave you with a couple pictures of her from the other day.

September 20th, 2009 at 11:45pm we were very surprised to meet a little girl (I SWORE we were having a boy), who was not 7.5lbs like the nurse had suspected, but rather almost 10lbs and dark.dark.dark!
I had fallen in love with names for a boy, and Ty had agreed to them had we had a son, so it was only fitting that if we had a girl he chose the name. He wrestled with a few ideas for most of the day, and finally chose Abigail Sophia.
It has been almost 3 months since her arrival - and it`s odd - it feels like she is brand new, yet also feels like she has been here forever. Since her arrival we have been waiting for the sleepless nights, hours of endless crying, and mounds of dirty diapers. Well, the diapers turned out to be exactly what we anticipated, yet, we have yet to see any sleepless nights and no hours of endless crying. She is truly a little sweetheart, and possibly the easiest baby I have ever met (and no, its not just because she is mine that I say that).
She takes after her dad and loves to sleep in - yesterday she slept till noon, and today till almost 1pm! She has found her hands and enjoys to shove them (quite literally) into her mouth - she can almost fit her whole fist in her mouth. She can roll from her stomach to her back, but has not quite figured out how to flip from her back to her stomach yet. She loves to be talked to, and she loves to smile, and has a pretty cute giggle - though you have to work pretty hard for them.
A few weeks ago we took advantage of a couple of our friends hospitality - and we joined them for 8 days at their holiday home in Palm Springs....and apparently Abby could totally be a California Baby - she loved the warm weather and really loved their pool. Swimming every day equaled one tired baby at the end of the day, I never thought that she would spend an hour in the pool at just a couple months old!
Well, its 1:32am, and this is not the most interesting, nor indepth update - but it is better than nothing. So I will try to leave you with a couple pictures of her from the other day.

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